Neighborhood Groups

group of fashion designers laughing

Find Your Local Group: ASG Ft. Lauderdale

  • Share your knowledge with your fellow members.
  • Write a review of a book, a pattern, a sewing notion, an in-person or online class.
  • Tell us your favorite sewing YouTube channels or what garments you have made.

Send your review to: [email protected]

  • Neighborhood meetings are great places to meet with new and old friends. All neighborhood groups are open to any member and guests. Guests may attend two meetings before joining the Guild. Bring and share your sewing projects. Ask for help with problems you may be having.
  • Your attendance at programs sponsored by the American Sewing Guild may be digitally recorded through photographs and/or video recordings. These images may be used on our website or in our newsletters. If you do not wish your image to be published, please notify the photographer or Group Leader.
  • Please call first when attending at private homes. Occasionally, it’s necessary for programs to change after the newsletter is printed.
  • All members are welcome to attend the Chapter Board meetings. You need to contact any board member in advance to confirm time and location. We welcome member questions, comments and suggestions.
  • To become a member visit ASG to join.

Neighborhood Group Meetings:

Neighborhood Group meetings for the next 3 months are released in each edition of the Status Thimble by email.

Boca Raton

First Friday at 12:30 PM

Laura’s Sewing and Quilt Shop

6190 N. Federal Hwy. Boca Raton

Rosanne Costa, 561-276-1711 [email protected]
Ann Reardon, 561-558-9513 [email protected]

Jan. 3: Set Agenda for 2025
Feb. 7: To be announced.
March 7: To be announced.


2nd Tuesday at 1 p.m.

Broward County Library-

Stirling Road Branch 3151 Stirling Road, Hollywood

Terry Hill, 954-895-0428 [email protected]
Diane Butler, 305-751-0622 [email protected]

Jan. 14: Zippered box pouch.
Feb. 11: Placemats for Meals on Wheels.
March 11: Stuffed animals and dolls for underprivileged children, Part I.

North Broward

1st Monday at 10:30 am

Cynthia’s Fine Fabric

8126 N University Dr. Tamarac, FL 33321

Gillian Cullin 954-609-6389 [email protected]

Jan. 6: New Year—New Bag.
Feb. 3: Red is the Color of the Month.
March 3: Burda Style Patterns.

North Palm Beach

3rd Monday at 1:00 PM

Laura’s Sewing & Quilt Shop

3966 Northlake Blvd. Palm Beach Gardens

Colleen Bills, 561-627-5066 [email protected]

Jan. 20: Valentine ideas.
Feb. 17: St. Patrick ideas.
March 17: Trash to treasure.


4th Saturday at 1 PM

St. Benedict’s Church

7801 NW 5th St., Plantation

Yvonne Austin, 954-977-9285 [email protected]

Jan. 25: Make a rope basket (Supply list will be emailed).
Feb. 22: Bra making
March 22: Measuring yourself.

Port St. Lucie

1st Saturday at 11 AM

Pam’s Fabric Nook
9024 S US Hwy. 1 Port St. Lucie

Lyn Marino, 772-215-0089 [email protected]

Jan. 4: Fractured Nine Patch, Charmain will demo with printed instructions.

Feb. 1: Intro to Sashiko stitching. Low cost kits available for sew along.
March 1: Painting on fabric by Janie..

West Palm Beach

1st Tuesday at 10:00 AM

1085 Gator Trail, WPB Gate entrance: “Sewing”

Susan Reney, 860-205-7919 [email protected]

January 7: The oddest thing you’ve ever sewn

February 4: TBA

March 4: TBA

E-MAIL Changes:

When you change your email or mail address, remember to notify Ann: [email protected]

Several members have inquired about ordering ASG name badges. The badges can be ordered from Dell Awards Company in California. The badges will have the ASG Logo, the Chapter’s name and your name. A badge with a pin on the back is $9 and with a magnet $11 plus shipping. Each Neighborhood Group Leader has the details for ordering the badges.


    1. Rebecca Burnett

      Many of the neighborhood groups are having zoom meetings during the pandemic if you’re interested. I was just about to update that info on the website. We’d love to have you! Thanks so much! Rebecca

    1. Rebecca Burnett

      Hi Sandra! Welcome! There is a group that meets in Port St. Lucie and meets on Saturdays at Laura’s Sewing and Quilt which would probably be the closest to you. Check out our neighborhood group page to see other groups in the surrounding area. Prospective members can attend any local group meetings twice before joining. Hope to see you soon! Becky

  1. Sherry Rosynek

    I’m a beginner and have something I want sewn and taught how to make it. Who can help me ? It’s a semi simple thing, a double sided waitress apron. I live in North Palm Beach

    1. Rebecca Burnett

      Hi Sherry, You probably should check out the North Palm beach group led by Colleen Bills. They meet the 3rd Monday at 1:00 PM at Laura’s Sewing & Quilt Shop at 3966 Northlake Blvd. Palm Beach Gardens. The next meeting is January 20th. Hope that helps! Rebecca

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